Difference between revisions of "ROUTINE DDS"

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Revision as of 17:24, 7 June 2017

This page is invoked using: {{:STD ROUTINE}}

A ROUTINE page entry has the word "ROUTINE" followed by the name of the routine from VistA

It should have

First Line Developer:

First Line Development Site:

* [[ROUTINE name*versions*]]

== TAGS ==
(below tags could be transcluded, but no known advantage to doing this as of June 2017)
* label
: comment describing tag

the versions comes from the second line of the routine
The CURRENT page should have a REDIRECT to the most recent copy of the routine

== LINKS ==
Links to pages related to this ROUTINE. such as OPTIONs that call it, PROTOCOLs that call it, ROUTINES that are derived from it, CODE in Data that calls it.