TIU Package API

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The TIU package deals with medical Records, i.e. progress notes, discharge summaries etc. etc.

No documentation of an API was created with the TIU package. The purpose of this page will be to document some entry points, for those needing an API. This page will be used as a work in progress, as the interdependencies etc. are explored.

Entire TIU Source Code

TIU Document Array

Many of the TIU functions pass an array that holds information about the current document. Here is the info that I have been able to determine:

TIU("VISIT") = Visit File IFN^date?
TIU("STOP") = mark to defer workload
TIU("TYPE")=1^title DA^title Name  i.e.:  1^128^OFFICE VISIT^OFFICE VISIT
TIU("SVC")=service  e.g. "FAMILY PRACTICE"
TIU("EDT")=TIUEDT^DateStr  = event begin time: FMDate^DateStr
TIU("LDT")=TIULDT^DateStr  = event end time: FMDate^DateStr
TIU("VISIT")=Visit File IFN
TIU("STOP")=0  ;"0=FALSE, don't worry about Stop Codes.

Print a Document


Purpose: Prompts user, "Do you want to print note?" Then asks if chart or work copy, and destination device.

    RecNum: is Record number of note to print, aka DA, in the VA FileMan TIU DOCUMENT File.

Print Documents(s)


Purpose: Print document array

      ^TMP("TIUPR",$J) is array of Records to be printed
         Format:^TMP("TIUPR",$J,S,Order,TIUDA)=TIUPFNBR (e.g. "Vice SF 509")
                   S format:  "SSN;DNF"   or "TIUGRP$HeaderText;DFN
                       SSN=Patient's Social security number
                       DFN=Patient's Record number in file #2
                       HeaderText=String to put into header (default='Progress Notes')
                   Order: a sorting number. Date of note can be used for this
                   TIUDA=Record number in file 8925
               e.g. SET ^TMP("TIUPR",$J,SSN_";"_DFN,DATE,DA)="Vice SF 509"
      WorkType:   1=Chart Copy;  0=Work Copy 
      Paging:     1=Contiguous; 0=Fresh Page for each note

Called by:

 <mentry>ENTRY^TIUPRPN</mentry>(TIUFLAG,TIUSPG)-- Print SF 509 Progress Notes
 <mentry>PRINT^TIUPRPN5</mentry>(1,TIUSPG)     -- Sort PNs for printing by Location
 <mentry>PRINT^TIUPRPN7</mentry>(1,1)          -- Progress Notes Output Batch Print


 It appears that the "contigious" notes have a header at the beginning,
 but then no further header/footer divisions on each subsequent page.
 ...NO.  This is only true when output device is a console.  If output
 is a printer, then each page has headers/footers as expected.

Sign a Document


Purpose: Asks user for electronic signature code. If correct, it signs note


      TIUDA -- the is the IEN, or Record, from file 8925, of the document to sign.
      TIUADD -- This appears to be an OUT parameter, and is set to 1
      TIUPASK -- I believe if value is not 0, then user is asked if they want to print note.

Silently Sign a Document


Purpose: Asks user for electronic signature code. If correct, it signs note


    TIUDA -- the is the IEN, or Record number, from file 8925, of the document to sign.
    TIUES -- a string like this: "1^Author Name^Signature Title"
    TIUI -- Not used, optional (??)

Example of use: (Thanks to author Kirk Fox)

    ;This will autosign a note.
    S TIUES=1_U_$P($G(^VA(200,+DUZ,20)),U,2,3)

Create a New Document


    Create new document(s)
     May branch off to edit existing docmt instead of creating new one.
     Call with: [TIUCLASS] --> pointer to file (8925) corresponding to
                               the class (e.g., Progress Notes=3)
                               from which to select a title
        [by ref] [SUCCESS] --> Boolean flag returned as IFN when a
                               Record is created, or 0 when Record
                               creation fails
                     [DFN] --> IEN in patient file (#2)
                [TIUTITLE] --> Pointer or NAME or PTR^NAME of the
                               TITLE from file 8925.1 to be used as
                               the default.
                [EVNTFLAG] --> Boolean flag for visit Prompt (0 to
                               Prompt, 1 to force event type visit)
                  [NOSAVE] --> Boolean flag to suppress saving the data
                               (e.g., when testing new Boilerplates
                               using DDEF action TRY, etc.).
         [by ref] [TIUNDA] --> array of form: TIUNDA(IFN)="".
                               Used in SHOW NOTES ACROSS PATIENTS.
                               See TIURC, which sets TIUONCE.
                               Also used in TIUEDIM, for mult pts.
                 [TIUSNGL] --> Boolean flag to create only ONE note
                               regardless of multiple pt preference.
        [by ref] [TIUCHNG] --> If received, passes back TIUCHNG array,
                               which collects info across Records about
                               actions taken. Used in feedback
                               msgs to user.
     Other variables:
     sets [TIUTYP] --> array with form similar to that of XQORNOD:
                               TIUTYP = title IFN
                               TIUTYP(1) = 1^title IFN^title name,
                               where 1 for us is just a positive #
     sets  [TIUBY] --> used in some input templates to BYpass fields.
     Called by:
       Outpt Pharmacy, Consults, ...