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[[2) What is the fundamental difference between a relational database and a hierarchical database and how does that effect the end-user? (Should we even care? If so why?)]]
[[2) What is the fundamental difference between a relational database and a hierarchical database and how does that effect the end-user? (Should we even care? If so why?)]]
  '''3) How hard is it for non-Mumps IT personnel to learn Mumps/VistA and are there enough experienced VistA programmers (or former VistA programmers) to consult or be hired to non-VA projects?'''
[[3) How hard is it for non-Mumps IT personnel to learn Mumps/VistA and are there enough experienced VistA programmers (or former VistA programmers) to consult or be hired to non-VA projects?]]
      Learning MUMPS is as simple as learning BASIC.  Learning about all
      the utilities and capabilities of the common services in VistA is
      a years long process.  And learning the functionality and setup
      for the clinical and administrative functions in VistA would
      probably take several life-times. Are there enough experienced
      programmers and application consultants?  So far I believe you'll
      currently pay more for a Java programmer.
      I am a physician and have taught myself M.  It is a very simple
      language.  I consider it to be a scripting language.  But it gets
      the job done, and has run hospitals safely for decades.
      There are many people on the list that would like work as
      programmers, so I don't think there will be any limitation there.
      And when CMS releases VistAOffice, there should be even more
      interest and consultants available.
[[Rick Marshall]] replies:
It is easy to learn Standard MUMPS, but impossible to master VistA.
Like the art of medicine itself, VistA is complex beyond human
comprehension--no, I am not kidding or exaggerating--and no one person
will ever know it all anymore.  I have been programming with VistA for
twenty-one years; there are a couple areas of the code I know better
than anyone, several I know as well as the other experts, and a dozen or
so I know reasonably well--out of 80-120 software packages, depending on
where you draw the lines.  Most of VistA I know by its patterns and
common structures, and maybe a few basic architectural features per
package, but for most of VistA I am the wrong person to go to.  There
are whole packages I know only by name, whose purpose I can only guess
at.  So it is with all the VistA gurus.  None of us pretends to know it
all or even most of it.  We work together as a community, sharing out
the vast scope of work that is VistA among ourselves.
To address your central concern, our tradition is to grow our own new
Standard MUMPS and VistA programmers from among its users, because we
have discovered it is far easier to teach a nurse to program than to
teach a programmer to practice medicine; the nurse has already mastered
the difficult part.  It takes mere minutes to start writing Standard
MUMPS code, as with any programming system worth discussing, but a day
or two to introduce the basics, a week or two to introduce them fully,
and a month or two to become fully comfortable with the programming
system.  It takes experienced programmers longer to learn Standard
MUMPS, because it is not like most other programming systems, and they
spend years whining about it instead of buckling down and coming to
grips with it on its own terms.  Learning Standard MUMPS is like taking
small steps over very deep crevices; it is easy but unnerving for some.
Learning to program with VistA takes longer, and should happen in two
phases.  First the programmer needs to learn our programming standards
and conventions and common calls.  Then the programmer needs to pick a
package and focus on it for a long time, moving from simple assignments
to more complex ones.  It is best if the student began as a user of that
package, then graduated to being an application coordinator (a kind of
super-user) for it, before learning to program with it.  Becoming an
expert user of any reasonably sophisticated VistA package takes years.
Once an application coordinator starts training to become an information
manager, starts working on supporting and extending a package at a site,
every year they keep at it improves their skills with the package
measurably.  Those who have worked with a package for ten years or more
are easy to tell apart from those who have only been doing it a few years.
There is a lot more I could tell you about the expertise lifecycle, how
it is structured, where to find VistA experts and how to grow your own,
but I am trying to keep this postscript "short."
'''4) What other concerns should we have regarding adopting VistA?'''
'''4) What other concerns should we have regarding adopting VistA?'''

Revision as of 00:35, 21 September 2005

From: Matthew King <mking@clinicaadelante.com>

The Community Health Centers in AZ are forming the Arizona Integrated 
Network (AIN) to formally integrate information technology services, 
financial management, and clinical initiatives. We are have included 
VistA Office in our EHR evaluation.
From: John Leo Zimmer <jlzimmer@cbchc.com>

The Council Bluffs Community Health Center is assembling the hardware
and software to implement VistA Office or FOIA VistA in this one small
center. We hope to participate in an open development process that tailors
VistA to community health centers' special needs.

From: Hardhats Listserve:

Here are some recurrent questions us nontechies have about VistA:

1) Is Mumps a serious limitation to complete EHR functionality, code maintainence, HL7, or PMS interfacing?

2) What is the fundamental difference between a relational database and a hierarchical database and how does that effect the end-user? (Should we even care? If so why?)

3) How hard is it for non-Mumps IT personnel to learn Mumps/VistA and are there enough experienced VistA programmers (or former VistA programmers) to consult or be hired to non-VA projects?

4) What other concerns should we have regarding adopting VistA?

     Expect a long learning curve.  Get help.

     I think a factor here is how much you want to put into the system.
     It is not turn key at this point, although there are installers
     who can do the work for you.  It is not going to have all the 
     bells and whistles that commercial EMR's want you to pay for. 
     It is not currently integrated with a billing system or a system
     for appointments.

     Matthew King adds: 
     On the other hand, a lot of the bell and whistles that seem to
     exist in many commercial products are actually rudimentary or even
     vaporware. VistA isn't as pretty, but is very functional, with 
     easily modified clinical and preventive care reminders,support for
     disease management, advanced drug interaction checks and lexion
     support. The CPRS module supports drag and drop template building.
     This makes custom templates a snap, something you pay dearly for
     in many commerical products. The experts say 1/3 of medical errors
     can be reduced by intelligent software design. Since the VA 
     product exists for patients, not profits, it is designed for 
     clinical functionality and patient safety, so that is where it
     shines. Most commercial products have recently added EHRs as an
     afterthought in an emerging market. The bells and whistles look
     slick, but don't necessarily add to patient safety.

Rick Marshall replies: Above all, it is a serious commitment. It is free as in freedom, not free beer. It will save lives, not time. You cannot do this alone; you may think you can, but sooner or later you will run aground without help. To succeed with VistA you need the community in ways you cannot imagine, but the good news is they will welcome and help you, and it will not be long before you can return the favor. The big hurdle with VistA is that anyone used to making medical informatics decisions has learned how to prepare for defeat, to choose vendors on the basis of how deep their pockets are (so you can sue them when the project collapses in failure) instead of on the basis of their expertise and customer service, to choose based on marketing flair and reputation. VistA is the real deal, and for that very reason may be difficult to recognize as such by customers who have learned only how to choose among flashy failures. VistA requires the "customer" to become a partner, a collaborator, words that have all but lost their meaning in the modern marketplace; when you become fully engaged with the VistA lifecycle, you will come to understand that if VistA is broken it is your fault as much as ours, that it is your responsibility to hold the developers and the software to a high enough standard to meet your needs. Unlike with most commercial software products, you will rewarded instead of punished for engaging in the critique, review, and even development of VistA.

There is an endless amount to learn about it, and it is under continuous development, continuously patched, continuously changing, as it must be. The static details of VistA are less important than the living process by which its users drive development through their continuous stream of suggestions and complaints. You will not and cannot appreciate how true that is until after you have been involved with VistA for years. The secret to its success is no secret, not specific features, nor the technology used. It is the dynamic, hyperactive software lifecycle that engages the creativity of tens of thousands of users to mold the software over and over so that the longer you wait the better it gets, as opposed to most software which is static by design, updated at best occasionally, and obsolesces with time.

That inversion of the norm, emphasizing change instead of stasis, is a repudiation of the core beliefs of the software industry and much of academia, and as such you must expect to hear an endless stream of irrelevant complaints lodged against VistA, usually by those who have not used it. From those who do use VistA, you will generally find an endless stream of relevant complaints together with strong loyalty. Like any experienced VistA professional, I can and will criticize VistA up one side and down the other for hours on end. We like it in part because we know its faults, and so we try to prioritize the work most important to us; when the lifecycle is healthy, if something is broken it's because we think it's more important for the developers to work on something else first. Those who fully engage in the VistA lifecycle know VistA's flaws far more intimately than its critics, but they know its strengths, too, and they can point to features in the software that they personally first brought to the attention of the VistA development community. In a way most software will never be, VistA really does belong to its users, and they know it.

So when I echo other writers in saying VistA is free as in freedom, I mean as in the responsibility that comes with true freedom, the expectation to interact with it as an adult, taking responsibility for what we need from it, and helping to chart our own future. To be blunt, many people do not want that, prefer the simplicity of having limited choices imposed upon them by someone more powerful, to recreate the false security of childhood. Others do not mind the responsibility, but cannot spare the time to learn a fully featured medical informatics system, not even just the few parts of the few packages they would use in their medical roles. In general, we find the truth about VistA properly screens our potential clients; the right people respond well to the challenge and possibilities of VistA, and enrich the community and its software when they engage with us.

PPS: If I sound opinionated in the above, it is because experience has made me so. For the first half of my career with VistA, I thought it was probably nothing special, that every hospital system must have something comparable. My disgust with the state of the art and appreciation for VistA has accumulated over the years through a series of disillusioning exposures to how most medical software works--or doesn't. I do not know if there is even one feature in VistA that it does better than any other system, but no other system seems to be able to combine them all into such an integrated architecture driven by such a potentially responsive software lifecycle. The experience of patients in New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina would seem to be the latest dramatic illustration. I have gradually arrived at the surprising conclusion that my friends and I are working on something unusually cool. Who knew?