MUMPS/Command A

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  1. REDIRECTTemplate:M/Mcmd

command A or a

Currently, the letter A is the abbreviation for the command Command ASSIGN. 
  1. REDIRECTTemplate:M/NotImpl
Currently, the letter A is the prefix for several commands:
Currently, AB is the abbreviation for the command  Command ABLOCK. This command is not implemented by all vendors.
Currently, ASTA is the abbreviation for the command  Command ASTART. This command is not implemented by all vendors.
Currently, ASTO is the abbreviation for the command  Command ASTOP. This command is not implemented by all vendors.
Currently, AUNB is the abbreviation for the command  Command AUNBLOCK. This command is not implemented by all vendors.

The letter A used to be the abbreviation for the command Command ASK.