Order Status~

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Order Status
A processing status is attached to each Controlled Substances request order. The following are valid:

REQUESTED—NOT ORDERED Requests created by batch processing but not yet approved.

ORDERED—NOT PROCESSED Ordered by nursing but not processed by pharmacy.

PROCESSED—NOT DISPENSED Processed (filled) by pharmacy but not yet dispensed.

FILLED—NOT DELIVERED Dispensed and verified by pharmacy but not delivered to the requesting NAOU.


COMPLETED—GREEN SHEET READY FOR PICKUP Nursing has flagged the Green Sheet ready for pharmacy pickup.

COMPLETED—GREEN SHEET PICKED UP Green Sheet returned to pharmacy but not yet reviewed.

COMPLETED—REVIEWED Pharmacy has reviewed the Green Sheet .


RESOLUTION Pharmacy has reviewed the Green Sheet and a problem exists

CANCELLED Order cancelled.

TRANSFERRED TO ANOTHER NAOU Order and drug transferred to another NAOU.

UNDER REVIEW BY INSPECTOR Order and drug pulled from NAOU by CS Inspector for review.

LOGGED BY TRAKKER All drug doses from this order have been logged out to patients using the TRAKKER.

Source: Controlled Substances V. 3.0 Inspector’s User Manual

This is a Glossary term from the VistA Documentation Library