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[[Category:Lab-Anatomic Pathology]]
[[Category:Lab-Anatomic Pathology]]
; Peripheral Device
: Any hardware device other than the computer itself (central processing unit plus internal memory). Typical examples include card readers, printers, CRT units, and disk drives.
Source: '''Laboratory V. 5.2 Technical Manual'''

Latest revision as of 00:50, 9 February 2006

Peripheral Device
Any hardware device other than the computer itself (central processing unit plus internal memory). Typical examples include card readers, printers, CRT units, and disk drives.

Source: Spinal Cord Dysfunction V. 2.0 User Manual

This is a Glossary term from the VistA Documentation Library

Peripheral Device
Any hardware device other than the computer itself (central processing unit plus internal memory). Typical examples include card readers, printers, CRT units, and disk drives.

Source: Functional Independence Measurement V. 1.0 User Manual

This is a Glossary term from the VistA Documentation Library

Peripheral Device
Any hardware device other than the computer itself (central processing unit plus internal memory). Typical examples include card readers, printers, CRT units, and disk drives.

Source: Laboratory V. 5.2 Anatomic Pathology User Manual

This is a Glossary term from the VistA Documentation Library

Peripheral Device
Any hardware device other than the computer itself (central processing unit plus internal memory). Typical examples include card readers, printers, CRT units, and disk drives.

Source: Laboratory V. 5.2 Technical Manual

This is a Glossary term from the VistA Documentation Library