VistA Imaging Issues

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Here are some points I have learned about VistA imaging.

 1  0;1                .01  DOCUMENT                        <-Pntr  [RP8925']
 2  0;2                .02  IMAGE                            <-Pntr  [P2005']
 3  1;1                  1  LINKED DATA OBJECT                            [F]

 field .01 will point to a specific TIU document
 field .02 can link to an entry in the IMAGE file
 field 1 can hold the path to a fileserver (e.g. i:\images\jr042696.bmp, etc.)
IMAGE (file 2005) 
 Holds metadata about stored images

If there in an entry in TIU EXTERNAL DATA LINK (file #8925.91), then the corresponding document in CPRS will show a picture icon beside it.

Entry in IMAGE file will point to TIU EXTERNAL DATA LINK file, like this:

 Here are NOTES about IMAGE file:
 PARENT GLOBAL ROOT D0 <-- contain IEN of TIU document this links to (E.G. 14321)
 PARENT DATA FILE#  <-- 8925 (for images linked to notes)
   used to check existence of ^TIU(8925.91,IEN,0)

Kevin Toppenberg


The main, top-level imaging menu option is: MAG SYS MENU It is locked with key: MAG SYSTEM

Here are some potentially relevant RPC calls

MAG3 CPRS TIU NOTE             Returns a list of all images for a TIU document
MAG3 TIU DATA FROM DA          Get TIU data from the TIUDA.
                               Returns Document Type, and Document Date/Time
MAG3 TIU IMAGE                 Files the TIU pointer in Imaging and the Imaging Pointer in TIU.
MAG4 ADD IMAGE                 Adds a new entry to the IMAGE File ^MAG(2005
MAG4 CP CONSULT TO TIUDA       Imaging Capture workstation calls this RPC to get a TIU IEN 
                               to attach images to.
                               This call simply calls a CP API, which accepts DFN, Consult #, 
                               Visit String (optional), Complete|Do not Complete the |transaction.
MAG4 CP GET VISITS             This RPC call simply call a CP Routine that lists visits for a patient.
                               Imaging prompts the user with this list when a Visit String
                               is needed by CP to create a Note.
MAG4 DATA FROM IMPORT QUEUE    This call returns the Array of Data from the Import Queue, 
                               given a QUEUE Number Called from Delphi and 'M'
MAG4 REMOTE IMPORT             Called from MS Windows Application.
MAG4 STATUS CALLBACK           This RPC is called from the Imaging Delphi component when
                               an image/images have been imported via the Imaging Import API
                               being developed for use by Clinical Procedures.
                               This call is used in the test version of Import API, it will be
                               replaced in the released version.  In the released version the
                               Imaging BackGround Processor will be calling the Status Callback 
                               routine of CP.

From the VistA Imaging technical manual (edited)...

7.2.4 Further Information
Every individual object (i.e., an image, audio clip, waveform, or scanned document) 
is an entry in the Image file (2005), where the object's attributes are managed. In
addition, three auxiliary files are used:
• Object Type (2005.02)
• Network Location (2005.2)
• Parent Data (? 2005.03--PARENT DATA FILE ?)
The objects are then related to the patient's VISTA text data (medicine, surgery, 
laboratory, radiology reports or progress notes) through the use of pointers, both 
forward from the VISTA package file to the Image file, and backwards from the Image
file to the VISTA package file.
Software allows new objects to be added and displayed.
Several additional files are used by the system. These include:
• Imaging Workstations file that contains information about every workstation on the network.
• Image Histologic Stain file, and a Microscopic Objective file used by anatomic pathology.
• Imaging Site Parameters file.

9-15-05 Information about the RPC Call:

 MAG3 CPRS TIU NOTE -- Returns a list of all images for a TIU document
    calls GETILST^TIUSRVPL(.MAGARR,TIUDA) to get a list of all documents for document
    -->  This gets list from "ADI" index in file 8925.91 (TIU EXTERNAL DATA LINK)
    for each image in list, 
      checks ^MAG(2005.1,MAGIEN,  (file 2005.1 = IMAGE AUDIT) to see if deleted.
      checks ^MAG(2005,MAGIEN     (file 2005 = IMAGE) to see if it exists.

      checks if field PATIENT (field #5) in file IMAGE to see if proper link to patient
      checks if field PARENT GLOBAL ROOT D0 (field #17) in IMAGE file to see if proper link to document
           should = TIUIEN
      checks INFO^MAGGTII  //Get info for an Image File entry
         ;  The call to FINDFILE returns:
         ; MAGFILE1=LA100066.ABS   filename
         ;          if no Network Location pointer or INVALID Pointer
         ;          then MAGFILE1=-1~NO NETWORK LOCATION POINTER  
         ;          or -1~INVALID NETWORK LOCATION POINTER
         ; MAGFILE1(.01)=KIRIN,B   202524404 image desc
         ; MAGJBOL=    desc of Offline server
         ; MAGOFFLN=    if JB is offline
         ; MAGPREF=C:\TEMP\LA\10\00\  path
         ; MAGTYPE=MAG    MAG or WORM