RPC HELP TParamRecord

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RPC Broker Help Home

TParamRecord Class

Applies to

   TRPCB Unit	


The TParamRecord class is used to hold all of the information on a single RPC parameter. Depending on the type of the parameter needed, different properties are used. The PType property is always used to let the Broker on the VistA M Server know how to interpret the parameter. For a single value parameter, the Value property should be used. In the case of a list or a word-processing text, use the Mult property.

The TParamRecord relationship to the TRPCBroker component is as follows:

  • The TRPCBroker component contains the Param property (i.e., TParams class).
    • The TParams class contains the ParamArray property (array [I:integer]: TParamRecord class).
      • The TParamRecord class contains the Mult property (i.e., TMult class).
        • The TMult class contains the MultArray property (array[S: string]: string).
          • The MultArray property internally uses a TStringList in which each element’s object is a TString.

NOTE: Developers should rarely have a need to use TParamRecord by itself in their code. TParamRecord is the type of the elements in the ParamArray, default array property of the TRPCBroker component Param property. This means that when you are working with a Param[x] element, you are in reality working with an instance of TParamRecord.