Astronaut VistA

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What is Astronaut VistA

Astronaut VistA is a package that installs one of several different versions of VistA (currently available versions are Astronaut WorldVistA and Astronaut OpenVistA) in an integrated fashion.

Astronaut packages the servers, clients, and auxiliary modules so that they are able to function together seamlessly.

Where can I get Astronaut VistA ?

Installation Instructions

After choosing either the Astronaut WorldVistA or Astronaut OpenVistA version, select whether a RedHat/Fedora/CentOS (.rpm) based operating system or a Debian/Ubuntu (.deb) based operating system will be used to host the server modules.

Astronaut WorldVistA server installers

Astronaut OpenVistA installers

Astronaut VistA client installers

Astronaut Features

Depending on the version of Astronaut used, these features may be available:

  • Medsphere OVID - A MUMPS to Java bridge system
  • TMG CPRS - An improved version of CPRS that allows the ability to add patients directly. Has an integrated web browser.
  • EWD (soon) -- A MUMPS/GT.M/M21 to Java, PHP, and ASP bridge.